Ever since I managed to scrounge some old 6.25MHz crystals, I’ve loved the idea of running my Propellers at 100MHz. The idea of accurately controlling timing down to 10ns was EXTREMELY attractive.
Unfortunately no one currently manufactured 6.25MHz crystals, and getting one-off special order crystals, or even tunable oscillators at 6.25MHz is cost prohibitive compared to the nice, standard, and cheap 5.0MHz crystals.
To make a long story short, I decided to have them manufactured for me 🙂
My web store is not yet set up, I am working on it but the other products I intend to launch at UPEW 2009 are currently taking precedence; however I will soon be able to fill orders anywhere from one crystal, to tens of thousands – at prices only slightly higher than what Parallax sells 5.0MHz crystals for.
I can’t wait to run all my props at 100MHz!!!!!
Think of the advantages:
- 10ns resolution for timing
- 25% more hub memory bandwidth
- higher resolutions possible
- graphics drivers that could not quite fit in one cog now will be able to
- Spin, C, Pasm, LMM – ALL 25% faster!
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I can’t wait to get the first shipment; its due pretty soon 🙂