Archive for July, 2009

Oops! I forgot to tell you…

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

That the Mem+ Build Manual is now available on the Downloads page!

MorphDiag v0.30 is out!

Monday, July 20th, 2009

MorphDiag v0.30 is now up on

This version has the following working tests:

1) Test Processor
2) Test EEPROM 1
3) Test Audio CH0
4) Test Audio CH1
5) Test Keyboard
6) Test Mouse
7) Test RTC
9) Test SPI Flash

For the RTC tests I just grabbed the RTC code from the Largos prototype :-) so you guys will now see the binary date format for Largos too…

Coming Soon:

8) SPI Ram test
a) VGA256 test
b) 512KB Morpheus XMM test

Coming not so soon:

x) Test Mem+ RAM
y) Test Mem+ SD Card
z) Test Mem+ PIO

Morpheus Product Shots!

Friday, July 17th, 2009

I’ve finally had a chance to take some nice product shots of Morpheus, Mem+ and the SchoolBoard!

Morpheus - Photo #1Mem+ Photo #1Stack 1 - Photo 1FullStack - Photo 2Morpheus - Photo #2Mem+ Photo #2

You can see large versions of these shots on the product pages for Morpheus, Mem+ and the SchoolBoard.

Building Morpheus v1.00a – second draft of manual

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

This version is choke-full of photo’s documenting the build process.

I welcome your feedback!

Morpheus Build Manual v0.95

Morpheus Memory Map

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

I’ve just finished the memory map for the upcoming “Morpheus System Architecture and Developer’s Guide”, so I thought I’d put it up here and on the Downloads page right away!

Morpheus Memory Map