Archive for December, 2013

SPRITE makes the cover of the January 2014 issue of SERVO magazine!

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Go buy a copy of servo (or better yet, subscribe to Servo) so you can read my article. Servo has other great articles too, it is one of my favorite magazines.

Irrespective of the measure of the suitable dosage the manufacturers of this drug have assured the user to enjoy an effective period of 36hours that is not possible for viagra overnight usa any other anti-impotency pattern. But in a lot of cases you need those anti-impotent drugs that claim generic viagra canada to cure ED. Acts top drugstore order viagra like smoking or consumption of alcohol can also affect erections. But these generic viagra side effects are rarely seen. The digital edition came out two days earlier than I expected, so I have not had a chance to complete the page for SPRITE on this site.

Stay tuned, I expect to finish that page before 6pm Pacific today.

Introducing EZasPi and EZasPi (B) – two new prototyping boards for the Raspberry Pi

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

I am pleased to announce Mikronauts first two Raspberry Pi products:

EZasPi – a high quality prototyping PCB that stacks on top of the Raspberry Pi

EZasPi (B) – a high quality prototyping PCB that stacks underneath the Raspberry Pi
Depression can affect a cialis from india tadalafil person physically and psychologically. There are people generic viagra in usa that sweat profusely before they are due for a professional presentation. The general population, as viagra without side effects a rule, went to a quarterback. Due to the high stress and workload of sildenafil canada everyday life, many men neglect their health, and the effects can be seen in their physical and emotional anxieties.
Basically, these products give you a Pi Sandwich 🙂

New Products & Web Site Changes

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

I am announcing five new products, and also taking the opportunity to start re-organizing the web site.

The new products are:

EZasPi prototyping board for the Raspberry Pi
EZasPi (B) prototyping board for the Raspberry Pi
They tend to decrease the libido and a person may experience attacks of the pain often after big, fatty meals and discover here now cheap viagra canada alcohol consumption. The shoulder cialis side effects is designed to rotate in multiple directions, but impingement can greatly limit that rotation, causing pain and affecting the individual’s quality of life. This disorder certainly embarrasses them this is the reason cheapest viagra in canada they simply avoid discussing it with anyone. Hence, have blissful 5mg generic cialis sexual life by consuming the appropriate foods from the beginning. EZasBone prototyping board for the BeagleBoneBlack
EZasPieProto300 large general purpose prototyping board
EZasPieProto600 large general purpose prototyping board

Please see the individual product pages for more details, you can find them on the left hand side of this page.