Archive for October, 2014

PiBoe gets a haircut!

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

PiBoe was way too tall due to how I mounted the Raspberry Pi on the Boe-Bot chassis.

I decided to replace two decks, and the spacers between them, with a single sintra deck, with the Raspberry Pi mounted closely on top of the sintra. This allowed shaving over an inch of height from PiBoe!

PiBoe with a haircut!

For more on the changes, including original tall and more shorter photos, visit the full article at:

Related links:

Elf Build Log Updated

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

Elf HC-SR04

Today, I updated my Elf Raspberry Pi and RoboPi based robot build log with:

  • wiring info and photos for the L9110S motor driver
  • wiring info and photos for the HC-SR04 range sensor
  • sample Python code for RoboPi controlling the motor driver via PWM and reading the range sensor



I welcome your questions and feedback!

Python for RoboPi

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

Elf RoboPi + Raspberry Pi Robot @Mikronauts

The new RoboPi v0.85 software release provides:

  • v0.85 of the C RoboPi Lib
  • C sample code using RoboPiLib
  • Python 2.7 support
  • Python 3.2 support
  • Python sample code
  • Compiled test utilities in the C Demos folder

This release took longer than anticipated due to other work and “real life ™”

You can discuss RoboPi in our discussion forums at

Pi Jumper assembly documentation

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

Pi Jumper Plus on a Raspberry Pi Model +

I’ve uploaded v0.5 of the Pi Jumper / Pi Jumper Plus assembly documentation to the product page at:

Pi Jumper is now also available on my Ebay listings:

Sunday, October 12th, 2014

Pi Rtc Dio Launched!

I am delighted to announce the immediate availability of Mikronauts I/O expander and real time clock for the Raspberry Pi!

Pi Rtc Dio @ Mikronauts

(Click on image for larger version – shown assembled & tested, sold as a kit)

Perhaps the two most requested additions for the Raspberry Pi are a hardware Real Time Clock and additional digital I/O.

Pi Rtc Dio provides 32 additional digital I/O’s, and a real time clock chip supported by Raspbian.

You can have up to four Pi Rtc Dio’s per I2C bus, however only one should have the RTC installed.

For more details, including pricing, please visit the product page at: