Archive for October, 2015

Curious about me and Mikronauts?

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

Have you ever wondered who is the man behind the curtain?

I was over on the ODROID forums today, and I noticed they have published the October 2015 issue – which has a rather large article on me and Mikronauts 🙂

Read the four page feature in ODROID Magazine on pages 41-44!

ODROID Magazine - see pages 41-44

(click on image for larger version)

Download the October 2015 ODROID Magazine PDF

“My name is Bill, and I am addicted to robotics & electronics…”


ESP8266 experiments – making a simple development board

Sunday, October 4th, 2015

The ESP8266 based WiFi modules introduced last year have made making WiFi connected sensor nodes much easier – and much cheaper.

ESP8266 ESP-01 Module Experiments

In this article I describe making a small development board for ESP-01 modules, and taking the first steps with it.