Archive for the 'Propeller' Category

Preliminary text support with 8×12 font added to VGA/XGA/SVGA drivers!

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009


I’ve uploaded three new driver archives:

  • VGA 640×480 4 color (of 256) driver with demo, added preliminary text output support with 8×12 font
  • SVGA 800×600 4 color (of 256) driver with demo, added preliminary text output support with 8×12 font
  • XGA 1024×768 4 color (of 256) driver with demo, added preliminary text output support with 8×12 font

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Grab it while its fresh, it’s on the Downloads page!

New driver for Morpheus: 640×480 4 colors from 256!

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

I finished a new driver today, completing the initial four color driver set. Currently Morpheus has three released video drivers:

  • XGA 1024×768 (4 colors from 256)
  • SVGA 800×600  (4 colors from 256)
  • VGA 640×480 (4 colors from 256)

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All existing resolutions are supported by my XMM_GPU graphics engine cog, which currently implements:

In Pasm:

  • Pen(c)
  • Plot(x,y)
  • Plotc(x,y,c)
  • Cls(c)
  • HLine(x,y,x2)

In Spin, calling Pasm:

  • Line(x1,y1,x2,y2)
  • DrawRect(x,y,w,h)
  • FilledRect(x,y,w,h)
  • DrawCircle(x,y,r)
  • FilledCircle(x,y,r)

Coming Soon:

  • PutChar(x,y,ch)
  • PutStr(x,y,str)

All drivers now also come with the same demo program, that demonstrates the XMM_GPU cog’s features.
The drivers will soon be updated to have a unique 4 color palette for each scan line, and calls will be added to XMM_GPU to set the whole palette or individual entries:

  • FillPalette(c,r,g,b)
  • SetPalette(y,c,r,g,b)

This will allow some pretty colorful “4 color” images, and will also allow for color cycle based animation.

(you can always find the latest drivers and demo’s on my Downloads page)

*THREE* updates this morning!

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

I’ve uploaded new releases of:

  • XGA 1024×768 driver, now includes GPU cog and new DEMO2
  • SVGA 800×600 driver, now includes the improved GPU cog and updated DEMO1
  • Conway’s Game of Life, now includes bug fix and speed boost due to GPU cog

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You can grab them from the downloads page. More coming in about a week!

New SVGA driver + gpu … MUCH faster filled rectangles!

Friday, September 4th, 2009

I implemented a pasm hline routine, and boy did it speed up the filled rectangles!

Filled circles also got a small speed boost.
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Grab it from the downloads page.

Game of Life v1.1

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Heater pointed out a bug in my first version of Conway’s Game Apart from that if you have gone from any past heart surgery or a kidney surgery or if you have used any in the past. order tadalafil no prescription The ingredients of this herbal massage oil is prepared with 100mg sildenafil citrate drug, which is very similar to other natural male enhancers but the fact that it can last for levitra prices a long time in order to get proper ejaculation and cannot enjoy their love life properly. Other experts report that it is unlikely that order viagra online would give athletes an edge over their competitors. viagra cannot fix what isn’t broken. How good is Kamagra Jelly? Kamagra is easy to use but still need to be followed as instructed in the label of the product and as prescribed by your doctor, about 60 minutes before any planned sexual activity. viagra price of Life, so I fixed it 🙂

Game of Life v1.1