Archive for the 'Robots' Category

More TBMST testing

Friday, June 6th, 2014

Previously, I mentioned the simple diode voltage drop and capacitor filtering board I made to help test “The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester”

I thought you may be interested in seeing what it looks like:

The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester @Mikronauts

I noticed that the jittery servos behaved a much better with the GWS MT-1 servo tester, so I decided to investigate both the signal it generates, and the power it supplies to the servo:

The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester @Mikronauts

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The only other difference I see is that the MT-1’s servo control pulse is a 5V pulse, as opposed to the 3.3V pulse the TBMST generates.

Perhaps the current limiting for TBMST is too strong?

Or perhaps I’ll need to provide a 5V servo signal to the (less than perfect) Tower Pro MG-995’s?

I’ll let you know what I find out!

Meet Elf – a 2WD Pi Robot

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

Elf is based on RoboPi, stacked on a Raspberry Pi, with an L9110S motor driver, HC-SR4 ultrasonic range sensor, USB WiFi stick, USB battery pack and 4xAA battery pack for the motors.

Here is Elf, in all his blue and yellow glory:

Elf RoboPi + Raspberry Pi Robot @Mikronauts

(click on image for larger photo)
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You can see many more photos of Elf, along with more details, on my Elf pages at:

I am still working on “The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester” and “HexPi – the Hexapod RoboPi + Pi Robot“, but as those projects will take a while to complete, I thought it might be nice to post about my working two wheel drive RoboPi + Raspberry Pi testbed robot. Elf is a blast to play with!

HexPi / TBMST Update

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

I got quite a bit of testing done today!

The small test board I built to drop the RC pack voltage and filter it works nicely, and I used TBMST to test HexPi’s legs.

The good news: All the legs wiggled!

The bad news: About 1/3rd of the MG-995’s are pretty pathetic at holding their set points at 5V with 3000uF of electrolytic capacitors filtering a 7.2V 2000mAh NiCd battery pack.

I’ll add more large capacitors, but it may come down to testing all 49 MG-995’s and picking the best 18 for HexPi.

I will disassemble the worst servo of the lot, and see if I can figure out WHY it is so bad.
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Coming soon: A video of HexPi’s legs being wiggled by TBMST!

The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester @


The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester

HexPi the RoboPi + Raspberry Pi hexapod robot

RoboPi v0.81 software released

Monday, June 2nd, 2014

The new RoboPi software is ready!


This version adds:

  • readDistance(pin) for HCSR-04 ultrasonic range sensor
  • improves servo and PWM resolution to 5 microsecond timing grain

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The new software is available on the product page at:

Please note:

readDistance() should also work with the Parallax Ping sensor, and may also work with the SeeedStudio range sensor.

I will be testing both of those sensors shortly.

Servo Jitter Solved

Friday, May 30th, 2014

My MG-995 servos were jittering with my “The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester”, and today I decided to get the bottom of it before I started testing HexPi, my RoboPi + Raspberry Pi based hexapod robot.

When I hooked up a scope, and looked at the 1500us centering pulse and the servo power, here is what I found:

The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester @

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You can read the rest in the “The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester” build log at

(thanks to ecompservices for pointing out the link above was broken!)