LeMaker Guitar Review

Pi Rtc Dio

LeMaker Guitar Review @ Mikronauts.com

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I really need to build another Pi Rtc Dio without the real time clock version – the LeMaker Guiter already has an RTC, so I don’t need to add one when I add the I2C MCP23017’s for more I/O.

I used WiringLMK, it includes the MCP23017 extension, so it was easy to light the red LED’s.

See the examples on Gordon’s site, the MCP23017 support just worked.

(click here for Pi Rtc Dio)

Pi Jumper

LeMaker Guitar Review @ Mikronauts.com

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After getting I2C running (see previous page) it was easy to compile the WiringLMK PCF8591 I2C demo.

It ran immediately.

I did end up changing one line

printf (”  %5.2f  “, (double)value * 3.3 / 255.0) ;

I changed the 3.3 to 5.0 because I was using the 5V I2C header on Pi Jumper to connect the inexpensive Ebay pcf8591 module.

(click here for Pi Jumper)


LeMaker Guitar Review @ Mikronauts.com

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After mounting my EZasPi on the Guitar Base Board, I added a small breadboard, blue super bright LED with a 1k resistor in series.

Then using the gpio utility, I turned the LED on!

gpio -g mode 17 out
gpio -g write 17 1

Pretty EZ if you ask me 🙂

(click here for EZasPi)

Article Index

  1. Introduction
  2. A Closer Look at LeMaker Guitar & Base Board
  3. Feature Comparison
  4. Operating Systems, Software Compatibility
  5. Common Applications, WiFi, Bluetooth
  6. Hardware Compatibility
  7. More on Hardware Compatibility
  8. Benchmarks: Booting&Apps, Compiling Emacs, Sysbench
  9. Benchmarks: iperf client & server, NBench, UnixBench
  10. Benchmarks: hdparm, dd, Documentation, Support, Conclusion

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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