Raspberry Pi B+ with Pi Jumper

July 17th, 2014

Pi Jumper is an advanced breakout board, designed for the Raspberry Pi.

So how well will breakout boards work on the Raspberry Pi Model B+ ?

Pi Jumper on Raspberry Pi Model B +

(click on the image for a larger version)

Quite well, as it turns out!

The stacking header fits nicely on the first 26 pins of the new 40 pin header, and lifts Pi Jumper well clear of the other exposed pins.

This suggests that other breakout boards that use a stacking header, and not a ribbon cable will work reasonably well.

But what about breakout boards that use a ribbon cable?

Hmmm… we can’t just plug the 26 pin IDC header into the 40 pin Raspberry Pi B + connector, as forcing it in would bend two pins badly.

I’ve used stacking headers to be able to mount my boards outside of Pi cases that exposed the 26 pin connector, and others on the forums have as well … and as you can see below, it works well for IDC ribbon cable!

Pi Jumper Plus on Model B+

(click on the image for a larger version)

The ribbon cable is really handy for locating the solderless breadboard a short distance from the Raspberry Pi.

Pi Jumper Plus on a Raspberry Pi Model +

(click on the image for a larger version)

WebIOPi worked well 🙂

Next, I will try RoboPi on the Raspberry Pi Model B +

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Raspberry Pi B+ with rev.2 proto board

July 17th, 2014

UPS dropped off three Model B+’s I ordered yesterday morning from Element14 just before 7pm – so I can now join in the Raspberry Pi Model B+ fun!

Raspberry Pi Model B+

(click on the image for larger version)

What I Like:

  • Four USB ports
  • 2A power input
  • switching regulator
  • first 26 GPIO pins are the same
  • more GPIO
  • four good mounting holes
  • uSD socket

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Raspberry Pi Model B+

(click on the image for larger version)

How do Rev.2 “plates” (add-on boards) fit?

I’ll spend a lot more time with my B+’s in the near future, but the first thing I had to try was my EZasPi prototyping board – I wanted to see how much overhang there would be due to the changed position of the GPIO header:

(click on the image for larger version)

You can clearly see the overhang on the left above.

The new GPIO connectors causes previous generation add-ons to shift over the USB/LAN sockets  about 9mm past the edge of the new Raspberry PI Model B+ printed circuit board.

Here are a couple of more views of the shift:

Raspberry Pi Model B+ with EZasPi

(click on the image for larger version)

(click on the image for larger version)

I downloaded the latest NOOBS, and tomorrow I’ll fire up my new Pi’s.

This will be fun.



Upgrading the Parallax Boe-Bot with RoboPi + Raspberry Pi

July 13th, 2014

The Parallax Boe-Bot is one of best, and most popular educational robots.

I could not resist the temptation to start upgrading it with a Raspberry Pi!

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Making Pi based bots is addictive!

Pi Jumper – Ultimate Breakout for Raspberry Pi

July 7th, 2014

3.3v regulator, 5V I2C, 3.3V I2C and breadboard headers!

I designed Pi Jumper specifically to make it easier to learn about electronics and interfacing with the Raspberry Pi.

Pi Jumper Large Breadboard

(click on the photo for a larger image)

Pi Jumper Plus even plugs right into breadboards!
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Pi Jumper Plus plugged into large breadboard

(click on the photo for a larger image)

More photos and detailed information (including pricing) is available on the Pi Jumper product page at:


RoboPi readDistance()

June 30th, 2014

I’ve updated the RoboPi User Manual to v0.81, to match the current API (and firmware) release levels.

Elf RoboPi + Raspberry Pi Robot @Mikronauts https://Mikronauts.com/

This update consists of

  • documents the final version of the Spin API and Pi library readDistance()
  • provides wiring instructions for using supported ultrasonic range sensors
  • updates the tested/working status for the supported sensors

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Supported sensors:

  • Parallax Ping
  • SeeedStudio SEN136B5B
  • HC-SR04

You can find the updated documentation on the RoboPi product page at
