Average Man’s EZasPi project

June 2nd, 2014

Average Man built a nice Raspberry Pi 7-Segment Display Temperature Monitor project using Mikronauts EZasPi prototyping board

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Nice work!

RoboPi v0.81 software released

June 2nd, 2014

The new RoboPi software is ready!


This version adds:

  • readDistance(pin) for HCSR-04 ultrasonic range sensor
  • improves servo and PWM resolution to 5 microsecond timing grain

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The new software is available on the product page at:


Please note:

readDistance() should also work with the Parallax Ping sensor, and may also work with the SeeedStudio range sensor.

I will be testing both of those sensors shortly.

Servo Jitter Solved

May 30th, 2014

My MG-995 servos were jittering with my “The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester”, and today I decided to get the bottom of it before I started testing HexPi, my RoboPi + Raspberry Pi based hexapod robot.

When I hooked up a scope, and looked at the 1500us centering pulse and the servo power, here is what I found:

The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester @ Mikronauts.com

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You can read the rest in the “The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester” build log at https://www.mikronauts.com/the-better-mousetrap-servo-tester/

(thanks to ecompservices for pointing out the link above was broken!)

Ultrasonic Servo?

May 29th, 2014

I am currently adding support for ultrasonic range sensors to the RoboPi firmware (Parallax Ping, SeeedStudio and HC-SR04), and it is going quite well!

Yesterday I had a bit of fun controlling a servo position based on the distance reading from an inexpensive HC-SR04 sensor! Move my hand closer or away and the servo turns left to right, and centers if my hand is too far away.

The servo was more jittery than I’d like, so I am investigating weather it is a timing issue, or an issue with the inexpensive Tower MG-995 servos I am currently using. Time to pull out a scope or logic analyzer!


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For more, please see:

“The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester”

“HexPi – Hexapd Pi Robot”


The Better Mousetrap

May 28th, 2014

I added two breadboards to TBMST, this allowed me to clean up the power supply wiring, and will let me start wiggling HexPi’s legs!

The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester
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For more (and larger) photos, please see “The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester” build log.