SchoolBoard ][
Mikronauts SchoolBoard ][ is now available for the Raspberry Pi (shown with the Raspberry Pi and Pi Jumper):
PLEASE NOTE: SchoolBoard ][ and Pi Jumper are supplied in kit form – you must assemble them.
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![Assembled SchoolBoard ][ Lite](
(figure 1: assembled SchoolBoard 2 for QuickStart Lite Edition)
SchoolBoard ][ Features:
- High quality solder masked silk screened printed circuit board
- flexible prototyping pattern similar to solderless breadboard
- 400 pin solderless breadboard (in Full Kit version)
- eight low current LED’s
- eight push button switches
- eight switch dip switch
- 16 pull up resistors (10k, 1206 smt)
- 24 current limiting resistors (470 ohm, 1206 smt)
- two optional 10 pin stacking headers to pass signals from boards below
- one optional 40 pin stacking header to pass signals from boards below
- four .125″ mounting holes, Parallax standard spacing and location
Here are some ways to use SchoolBoard 2 with Parallax QuickStart boards:
![SchoolBoard ][ Lite assembled with a Parallax QuickStart board](
(figure 2: SchoolBoard 2 Lite Edition with QuickStart attached )
They say “Two Heads are Better than One”… so two QuickStarts must be better than one!

(figure 3: SchoolBoard 2 with two QuickStart’s attached )
Three heads must be even better!

(figure 4: SchoolBoard 2 with THREE QuickStart boards!)
I need to find my fourth QuickStart before I can show a four QuickStart configuration.
What if you want more switches and lights?
That’s not a problem either – you can cascade SchoolBoard 2’s!

(figure 5: Two SchoolBoard 2’s with a Parallax QuickStart attached)
There is a virtually unlimited number of ways you can combine multiple Parallax QuickStart boards with multiple Mikronauts SchoolBoard 2 boards – your imagination is the only limit.
SchoolBoard 2 is part of the Mikronauts Modular System, and we will be introducing a large number of modules and base boards that will allow you to mix and match the modules and components you need to experiment and prototype your applications.
Here is what you get in the SchoolBoard 2 Full Kit:

(figure 6: SchoolBoard 2 Full Kit)
The “SchoolBoard 2 Lite Kit” deletes the 400 point solderless breadboard from the “Full Kit”, but is otherwise the same.
SchoolBoard 2 Full Kit: $24.95USD+s/h (includes solderless breadboard, SKU: MIK-SB2QS-FK)
SchoolBoard 2 Lite Kit: $19.95USD+s/h (does NOT include breadboard, SKU: MIK-SB2QS-LK)
Shipping starts at $6.00USD for one board to continental US with tracking.
Volume and educational pricing available on request.
To order any of our products, please send an email to ‘mikronauts _at_’ with your full name and address so that we can determine the total and shipping and handling costs.
If you have any questions about using SchoolBoard ][ with your development board, please visit the appropriate forum below:
- Rasperry Pi and SchoolBoard ][
- Banana Pi and SchoolBoard ][
- Parallax Propeller and SchoolBoard ][
- BeagleBoneBlack and SchoolBoard ][
- Prototyping for any microcontroller/FPGA with SchoolBoard ][
Available Accessories:
Optional Breadboard Power Supply Module (shown plugged into an assembled & tested SchoolBoard ][)
- Assembled & Tested
- INPUT: 7VDC-12VDC barrel hack for for standard wall-wart power supplies
- INPUT: USB-A jack to power from USB charger or computer
- OUTPUT: 5.0VDC (up to 500mA when powered from USB, nominally 700mA when powered from wall wart)
- OUTPUT: 3.3VDC (up to approx. 450mA when powered from USB, nominally 700mA when powered from wall wart)
- Total power drawn (3.3V and 5.0V) should be under 700mA combined for best results
- GND and 5V OR 3.3V (jumper selectable) for upper and lower breadboard power busses
- Push On / Push Off power button
- Power ON LED
- four extra GND pins
- two extra 3.3V pins
- two extra 5.0V pins
- plugs right into SchoolBoard ][ and other similar breadboards
MIKSB2PS $6.95USD+s/h per power supply module (volume and educational discounts are available)