Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Review
When I heard about the baud rate issues on the Raspberry Pi forum, I was concerned – after all, RoboPi is controlled by the Raspberry Pi using the GPIO connector serial port!
(click on image for larger version)
Fortunately it turned out to not be a big deal.
Link: RoboPi product information
RoboPi works great with the Raspberry Pi 3 🙂
To get RoboPi running, all I had to do was:
- add “force_turbo=1” to /boot/config.txt as per forum thread
- change /dev/ttyAMA0 to /dev/ttyS0 in the calls to RoboPiInit()
Here is the Python script for the Cylon eyes demo running on the photo above:
import RoboPiLib as RoboPi
import time as time
for led in range(0,16):
RoboPi.pinMode(led, RoboPi.OUTPUT)
while 1:
for led in range(0,16):
for led in range(0,16):
Pi Droid Alpha
PiDroidAlpha uses joan’s excellent ‘pigpio’ library – which works fine on Raspberry Pi 3.
This means that Pi Droid Alpha works great on Raspberry Pi 3 🙂
(click on image for larger version)
The “PDALib.py” Python library for Pi Droid Alpha implements a RoboPi a 99% compatible library so that you can use the same programs for your robot regardless of using RoboPi or PiDroidAlpha.
Link: Pi Droid Alpha product information
Here is the cylon demo for Pi Droid Alpha:
import PDALib as RoboPi
import time as time
for led in range(16,24):
RoboPi.pinMode(led, RoboPi.OUTPUT)
while 1:
for led in range(16,24):
for led in range(16,24):
The only reason there is a difference in the code above (compared to the RoboPy version) other than the import line is that the LED’s were on different pins!
SchoolBoard ][
I would have fallen out of my chain in surprise if SchoolBoard ][ did not work with RPi 3.
(click on image for larger version)
Link: SchoolBoard ][ product information
Fortunately, there was no “falling out of chair in surprise” as it worked just fine.
pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ gpio -g mode 22 out
pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ gpio -g mode 23 out
pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ gpio -g mode 24 out
pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ gpio -g mode 25 out
pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ gpio -g write 22 1
pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ gpio -g write 23 1
pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ gpio -g write 24 1
pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ gpio -g write 25 1
All worked as expected – see photo above.
Article Index
- Introducing Raspberry Pi 3
- A Closer Look at Raspberry Pi 3
- Feature Comparison, Operating Systems
- Software Compatibility, Common Applications, Multimedia, Kodi
- Hardware Compatibility, Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth
- GPIO: WiringPi, pigpio, Add-On Board testing
- More testing: RoboPi, Pi Droid Alpha, SchoolBoard ][
- More testing: Pi Rtc Dio, Pi Jumper, EZasPi
- Benchmarks: Booting & Launching Apps, Compiling GNU Emacs
- More Benchmarks: iperf client & server, NBench, Unix Bench, hdparm, dd
- Power Utilization, Documentation, Support, Conclusion