
Here is a photo of the WiFi adapter plugged into Hobbit:

Hobbit @ https://Mikronauts.com
(click on the image above for larger version)

Analog Input pins

Pi Droid Alpha has eight channels of 10 bit analog input.

Analog input pin Function
AIN SIG pin 0-5V analog input
AIN VCC pin 5V power
AIN GND pin Ground

RoboPi has eight channels of 12 bit analog input.

Hobbit will use the analog inputs to read sensors that have analog outputs.

Examples of such sensors are:

  • analog IR distance sensors
  • analog output accelerometers
  • potentiometers
  • light level sensors

Connecting the Batteries

(click on image for larger version)

Use a short micro USB cable to connect the 2A output of the power bank to the micro USB power input on your Pi.

Connect the red (+) and black (-) cables from the 4xAA battery pack to the (+) and (-) Motor VIN screw terminal as shown below.

Connecting the Motors

Hobbit @ https://Mikronauts.com
(click on image for larger version)

Connecting the motors is made easy by the screw terminals.

From left to right:

  • servo power in: not used
  • motor 1: left (port) motor
  • motor 2: right (starboard) motor
  • motor power in: 4xAA NimH batter pack

I previously soldered a red/green wire to the port motor, and a white/black wire to the starboard motor.

Don’t worry too much if you get the motor polarities wrong, it is easy enough to swap the wires around.

I did not provide external power for servos, as I am only using a single 9g servo that uses so little power that I could power it from the Pi.

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